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Resources written by Gina


Please do also visit our blog section where you will find many resources, this section focuses on curriculum packs.


Gina wrote many resources whilst working at Cumbria Development Education Centre (CDEC), all of which are available to buy direct from CDEC  and some are available for free  download by clicking on the pack cover. Here is a selection of a few favourites. 

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The activities contained in this pack are the result of trials in George Hastwell School; Walney Island and Sandside Lodge School; Ulverston working with 9-14 year olds. The project focused on ways to adapt the core Philosophy for Children (P4C) methodology for work with children with Special Educational Needs (further information on P4C can be found on pages 6-8). Many of the activities took place in the outdoors, recognising the value of outdoor learning and included work on studying other localities and a focus on the theme of ‘needs and wants’.

Meet Zogg’, a Key Stage 1 resource– which was Oxfam’s number 1 selling educational resource in 2007. 

Resource developed with support from SEN schools across Cumbria

‘A Survival Pack for Future Citizens’, a Key Stage 2 resource– which received a fantastic review from the ‘Times Educational Supplement’

KS3 resources focused on values, identity and balancing conflicting needs

Gina was also involved in the writing of many other publications, the following are available for FREE  download (please click on the images)

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Our P4C in the Outdoors work and wider Outdoor Learning  features in this lovely pack produced by the Morecambe Bay Partnership. Containing practical activity ideas. The pack also contains examples from artist Jenny Reeves - About time Dance company 

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A wonderful pack written by Chris Rowley and again funded by the Morecambe Bay Partnership. I was also involved in this project and in fact there are pictures of my carrying out sessions in my younger days with secondary students. (The pack is focused at primary and seconday)


Gina has also contributed chapters to books including;

'How can children develop an understanding of the Global Dimension?' In Geography 3 - 11 A Guide for Teachers.

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'Growing up with a P4C trainer' features in 'Beautiful Thinking: A Philosophical Approach to Parenting and Teaching From Birth to Five - Metacognition in the Early Years ' by Dulcinea Norton-Morris. Available to buy or download from amazon.

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