gina@littlechatters.co.uk 07922688521
Oracy, Thinking Skills, Outdoor and Global Learning
Education Advisor | Little Chatters | England
Little Chatters - Pre-School Sessions
Little Chatters offers sessions for pre-school Chidren, utilising indoor and outdoor spaces to create an engaging environment for learning. Sessions include a strong focus on developing children's early speaking and listening skills through fun activities and stories. Join us for a taster session to find out more!
We also offer FREE resources for parents and carers.
Contact us now to find out more or visit our facebook page. Our facebook page also includes ALL 5* reviews for our sessions. Here's one example:
'My 4 year old daughter and I love Little Chatters' sessions. We have been attending since she was 3 and have enjoyed every session. As well as developing her language skills, they also encourage her creativity and exploration of the outside world. The sessions are well thought out and structured, and I particularly like how every session includes activities outside, whatever the weather. As an ex- teacher, I know how important this is to a child's development and education. Great fun and very educational (not to mention very affordable). Highly recommended.'
Due to being full with projects and whole school staff training sessions, Little Chatters pre-school sessions are not currently running.

Sessions at a variety of Outdoor sites
We have so far offered sessions at Bardsea Malt Kiln, Ford Park, North Lonsdale Show and Sea Wood. Look out for us at Bardsea beach and other local sites!
Examples from previous sessions
Session based around 'Duck in a truck' at Ford Park, Ulverston. The pictures shows the children searching for the trucks and the ducks stuck in the muck. One of many activities during the session.
Continuning the theme of trucks stuck in the mud, using mud paint the children are making tracks on a road.
In June 2017 we delivered a session to link in with Den Day to raise funds for Save the Children. As well as building dens and a few other activities, the children did a bit of Philosophy for Children and looked at images to decide which looked most like their home and which they would most like to live in. Amazing empathy with refugees as part of this activity. 'I feel sorry for the people who don't have homes' (3 year old boy)
The session raised £230 for Save the Children!
​We also ensure our sessions are relevant to the time of year. These pictures were part of our 'Wonderful Witches' session where amongst other activities we made magic potions and examined what we thought about good and bad using philosophy for children .